G K World G K

Scientic Instruments & Their Uses

 Scientic Instruments & Their Uses

InstrumentQuantity Measured
Accelerometerphysical acceleration
Actinometerheating power of sunlight
Alcholmeteralcoholic strength of liquids
Ammeterelectric current
Barkometertanning liquors used in tanning leather
Barometerair pressure
Bevametermechanical properties of soil
Bolometerelectromagnetic radiation
Brannok Devicemeasuring shoe size
Breathalyzerbreath alcohol content
Calorimeterheat of chemical reactions
Cathetometervertical distances
Ceilometerheight of a cloud base
Chronometer or Clocktime
Clap-o-metervolume of applause
Compassdirection of North
Creepmeterslow surface displacement of an activegeologic fault in the earth
Declinometermagnetic declination
Densimeterspecific gravity of liquids
Densitometerdegree of darkness in photographic orsemitransparent material
Dialtometervolume changes caused by a physical orchemical process
Diffractometerstructure of crystals
Disdrometersize, speed, and velocity of raindrops
Dosimeterexposure to hazards, especially radiation;radiation of item
Dynamometerforce, torque or power
Electricity Meterelectrical energy used
Electrometerelectric charge
Electronic Tunerpitch of musical notes
Ellipsometerrefractive index, dielectric function,thickness of thin films
Eudiometerchange in volume of a gas mixturefollowing combustion
Evaporimeterrate of evaporation
Fathometerocean depth
Framing Squareright angles in construction
Frequency CounterFrequency Of Alternating Current
Fuel Gaugefuel levels
Gas Pycnometervolume and density of solids
Geiger Counterionizing radiation (alpha, beta, gamma,etc.)
Glucometerblood glucose (diabetes)
Heliometervariation of the sun’s diameter
Hydrometerspecific gravity of liquids (density ofliquids)
Inclinometerangle of a slope
Infrared ThermometerMeasures heat radiated
Interferometerwave interference
Katharometercomposition of gases
Lactometerspecific gravity of milk
Light meterlight (in photography)
Load Cellmeasurement of force
Lux meterintensity of light
Magnetometerstrength of magnetic fields
Manometerpressure of gas
Mass flow metermass flow rate of a fluid travelling througha tube
Mass Spectrometermasses of ions, used to identify chemicalsubstances through their mass spectra
Measuring Spoona spoon used to measure an amount of aningredient, either liquid or dry
Meggerelectrical insulation
Mercury BarometerAtmospheric pressure
Micrometersmall distances
Multimeterelectrical potential, resistance, and current
Nephelometerparticle in a liquid
Nephoscopeto measure the speed and direction ofclouds
Odometerdistance travelled
Ohmmeterelectrical resistance
Orchidometertesticle size in male humans
Osmometerosmotic strength of a solution, colloid, orcompound matter of an object
Parking Metercollects moneys for vehicle parking rights ina zone for a limited time
PH meterpH (chemical acidity/basicity of a solution)
Voltmeterelectric potential, voltage
Watt Meterelectrical power
Wind Vanewind direction

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