Odisha Constable Selection Process
- Computer Based Test(CBT)
Odisha Constable CBT syllabus
Topic | Marks | Time |
Odia Language English Language Arithmetic Aptitude Test and Logical Reasoning | 25 | 2 Hours |
Proficiency in Computers | 75 | |
Total | 100 |
Odisha Constable CBT Details syllabus
Odia Language
- Correct Usage of words.
- Fill in the Blanks
- Idioms & Phrases.
- Reading Comprehension
- Translation
- Usage of Words.
- Vocabulary Test
English Language
- Adjectives
- Adverbs
- Antonym and synonym
- Cloze test
- Fillers
- Grammatical Error based question
- Paragraph Completion
- Prepositions
- Reading Comprehension
- Sentence Completion
- Tenses
- Allegation or Mixture.
- Area.
- Average.
- Banker’s Discount.
- Boats and Streams.
- Chain Rule.
- Compound Interest.
- Decimal Fraction.
- Height and Distance.
- Logarithm.
- Numbers.
- Partnership.
- Permutation and Combination.
- Pipes and Cistern.
- Probability.
- Problems on Ages.
- Problems on H.C.F and L.C.M.
- Ratio and Proportion.
- Simple Interest.
- Simplification.
- Square Root and Cube Root.
- Surds and Indices.
- Time and Distance.
- Time and Work.
- Volume and Surface Area.
General Knowledge
- Artists
- Biology
- Civics
- Countries and Capitals
- Current Affairs of national and international level
- Environmental Issues
- Famous Books & Authors
- Famous Days & Dates
- Famous Places in India
- General Science
- Geography
- Heritage
- Indian Economy
- Indian History
- Indian Parliament
- Indian Politics
- Inventions and Discoveries
- Literature
- Rivers, Lakes and, Seas
- Sports
- Tourism
Aptitude and Logical Reasoning
- Alphabet Series
- Analogy
- Arithmetical Reasoning
- Blood Relations
- Clocks & Calendars
- Coding-Decoding
- Cubes and Dice
- Data Interpretation
- Decision Making
- Directions
- Embedded Figures
- Mirror Images
- Non-Verbal Series
- Number Ranking
- Number Series
- Statements & Arguments
- Statements & Conclusions
- Syllogism